Comparing and Contrasting Practitioner Experiences:
NYC and Newark

ICI-NJ is an extension of Project ICI (New York City) in Newark, NJ.

Project ICI community collaborative boards in NYC and Newark recruited 140 HIV prevention and treatment service providers in 11 Newark agencies that provide substance-use disorder and HIV treatment and prevention. Data collection in New Jersey is complete. We are currently conducting analyses and preparing dissemination reports. We will update this section as soon as the results are available.

  1. This research aimed to examine practitioners’ perceptions about HIV prevention evidence-base services and aboutcollaborative practices (e.g., referral-making)
  2. Compare and contrast Newark and NYC practitioners in order to assess differences in how they may impact the delivery of evidence-base services.

This research promotes interagency collaboration and EBI delivery, both needed to increase numbers of consumers receiving evidence-based services. Knowledge of how interagency collaboration influences service implementation will inform diffusion of various innovations across HIV-prevention delivery systems.